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Persian War Parallels

In times of great political or social unrest, sometimes there's solace in drawing parallels to similar periods of unrest in history. Sometimes we use these comparisons to make a note of our current mistakes and learn from them, and sometimes we use these parallels to lampoon those who dare to make the same mistakes again. The latter is the case with Waterwell's new production, The Persians...A Comedy About War With Five Songs. A lively, modern adaptation of Aeschylus's tragedy The Persians, this play draws less than subtle and less than favorable comparisons between a current Middle Eastern conflict and the ancient Persian Empire's squandering of wealth and force on a war steeped in vanity. Performed by four talented young actors with tongue-in-cheek bravado, along with an in-house band of two, the play is often funny and artful.

Yet it also suffers from the now common presumption in current Off-Off-Broadway plays that jokes about the ludicrousness of war are easy to make, since their audiences consist primarily of young New Yorkers who will readily agree. Selling this self-righteous, two-year-old joke with a new twist detracts from the impact of an otherwise fresh show and makes it feel largely like watching an inside joke.

The play opens with its cast bantering softly as the audience members walk in to take their seats. The set and costumes are coolly stark. The four actors, one woman and three men, wear black suits and hats, which they shed and add pieces to while playing various characters throughout the show, including "themselves."

Elizabeth Payne's costume design is clever and malleable, as when a wholly suited Hanna Cheek makes a sexy transformation onstage to Queen Atossa by adding just a tie and gloves. Sabrina Baswell's lighting design makes the most of the small space, heightening the most dramatic moments in the show, from the return of Xerxes from battle to the tight spotlight on the Fosse-inspired opening musical number. And Lauren Cregor's original music is excellent, referencing known styles from jazz to 70's funk.

The actors themselves bring vigor and confidence to their highly personalized lines. As Darius, the deceased former Persian king who returns to life to sing a greeting to his wife Atossa, Rodney Gardiner has a rich baritone voice and a self-mocking charm. Cheek plays Atossa with slinky elegance. As Xerxes, Arian Moayed exudes both intensity and goofiness as he slips between classical text and reality TV-type confessionals, and between English and the Iranian language of Farsi. And Tom Ridgely as the Herald is untiringly dynamic.

Yet these actors, for all their successful work as an ensemble, cannot escape the odd unevenness of the play's dialogue and theme. Frequently, the performers, having assumed their characters, recite long classical speeches, only to follow with an ironic self-reference. In one early scene, Cheek, as Atossa, recalls a dream she had, which is re-enacted by the other three actors in a balletic dumb show. The weight Cheek gives the speech as Atossa is lost when she switches to a light, contemporary, vernacular style.

The same is the case when Moayed enters as Xerxes to lament the loss of "Persia's sons." The care and import he gives to that moment of tragedy at the end of the play is simply odd because it seems to come out of nowhere.

Though only an hour and 15 minutes, The Persians is an excellent showcase for young talent and creativity at work on an ambitious, if generic, theme. The contrast between a classical text and a contemporary style has been used countless times before, often with success. Yet while the personalities here shine onstage, the context is far too uneven to be poignant, and far too serious to be really funny.

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The Virgin Deicides

Only in the most fanatical believers do the twin monoliths of faith and religious doctrine always stand in unison and not occasionally at loggerheads. As anyone who has been caught between the two can attest, from Martin Luther on down, when the message of one's heart and of one's church disagree, the spiritual pain can be excruciatingly acute. The greatest accomplishment of William S. Leavengood's ruminative new drama, Little Mary, is that it manages to translate that friction undiminished across religious and denominational divides. For the politically progressive Archbishop Tivoli (the wonderful Ron Orbach), head of a small Catholic mission situated in the desert some 60 miles east of Los Angeles, this friction is more painful than most. He has taken as his cause overpopulation and the ever-increasing strain it places on the planet's resources. Birth rate reduction, however, is not exactly in accord with the divine command to be fruitful and multiply.

This is made abundantly clear with the arrival of Tivoli's mentor, the kindly Cardinal Gian (Jeremy Lawrence), who admits he has been dispatched from Rome to either dissuade Tivoli from preaching the subject or, failing that, to have the archbishop excommunicated. However, such censorial considerations are quickly supplanted by the announcement that Tivoli's 15-year-old star pupil, Christina (Monica Raymund), is pregnant, that she is still a virgin, that God is the father, and that she carries not one but seven unborn saviors. The message that Christina says the children represent, told to her through dreams, sends shockwaves that stir even the powerful College of Cardinals in Rome.

Leavengood wisely mirrors the New Testament only once or twice, and then only faintly. (The most blatant instance that I noticed was when Tivoli's assistant, Mother Lulit, played by Robyn Hatcher, tries to cull the "truth" from Christina

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Real Estate Camelot

Almost everyone in New York has a few apartment horror stories, whether they're the "what's that thing that just scuttled across my floor" kind, or the "I'd rather pay the extra thou per month in rent than have to search for a place again" kind. Between the cast's friends and family, real estate people, and disgruntled renters, a show like Co-Op: A Comedy of Epic Pretensions, now playing at the Producers Club, is pretty much guaranteed a solid audience. But it takes more than a strong hook to make a strong show, one of the many neglected details in this underwhelming musical production. Anyone familiar with the Arthurian legend will quickly get a handle on the plot. HouseProud Towers, a grand apartment building on the Upper West Side, once had a great co-op board president named Uther Pendragon. When Uther was killed in his sleep, the building fell into disrepair. During these dark times, Uther's secret son, Arthur, was growing up in the basement, raised by the Scottish janitor Codger.

When Arthur turns 26, he inherits his father's apartment and assumes his rightful place as the board president. This news does not sit well with Omelet du Mal, Uther's secret lover and the mother of his son (and Arthur's half-brother) Morton. Will Omelet realize her plan to topple Arthur and seize control of the building? Will Arthur discover his wife Galleria's infidelity with fitness guru Litmus the Pure? (Do you remember how the King Arthur story ended?)

Of course, the point of a homage is not to change the story but to tell it in an interesting or amusing way. John Cecil's version suffers from too many words and jokes that don't go anywhere. The conceit of mixing details from the Middle Ages and the present day is tricky to achieve, and is not achieved here. His script would have been more effective if he had committed fully to modern times.

During the segues from speech to song, the cast is hindered by prerecorded music that doesn't provide the warmth or correct timing of a live band. The actors would sometimes have to wait for the tape to kick in, and the music was unappealingly tinny, like songs that came preprogrammed into 1980s Yamaha organs. Choreography was minimal, with the exception of the silly "Can I Kiss the Bride?" number, which featured Litmus's exercise-inspired dance moves.

The cast seemed lost, with each actor trying his or her own take on the style of the production. Some were a little over the top, and some were too realistic. Orion Simprini (as Litmus) and Jenn Marie Jones (as Galleria) had a few funny moments but were not able to sustain them. This can be attributed to letting the writer also serve as director. An impartial observer would have given the actors more to do, instead of arrogantly assuming that the dialogue would carry the show on its own.

The producers of Co-Op put advertisements in the real estate section of a newspaper, a cunning tactic that brought in several people. Their Friday night performance was completely packed, and the audience was ready to enjoy the show. It's a shame that this good fortune was squandered by putting on a show that wasn't ready for an audience.

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War Profits

Despite temporal and spatial distances, Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, Vietnam, and most recently Ground Zero share something unique. In addition to being sites of pivotal conflicts and horrendous losses of life, they are places that enter history through a peculiar practice perhaps best labeled "battlefield tourism." In a tangled web of commerce, nationalism, and mourning, former battlefields are transformed into sanitized, consumable tourist locales. The destruction and murder of the past become a showpiece and presumed lesson for the present.

The Wreckio Ensemble's impressive production of Gravediggers takes on battlefield tourism, and the wars that precede it, in the most satirical of ways. Collaboratively developed by the ensemble and written and directed by Karly Maurer, Gravediggers offers an enjoyable, if sometimes ranting, riff on the commerce of war.

In a land not unlike Iraq, two women gravediggers (Michelle Diaz and Dechelle Damien), dressed head to foot in black and sporting mouth-contorting headgear, dump body after body into a pit. The profoundly bleak set (also by Damien) is scattered with white building blocks that ooze the body parts of fallen soldiers. The personless appendages are painted an eerily vibrant green, like fresh grass.

But that's not the only fresh thing in this land of death. An entrancingly lush, red object is growing from a tree over the pit, and later hatches into Phoenix, played by Tara Grieco. The starving gravediggers thirst for the object's richness, but it is soon stolen away by an opulently maniacal woman, Mother (a hilarious Randi Berry), in a feather boa-lined coat. Oana Botez-Ban's creative costumes are both enigmatic and a treat for the eyes.

Mother's effete son, petulantly played by Nicholas Bixby, is a draft dodger who falls in love with a corpse (Dimitra Bixby) that he manipulates like a puppet. Son's monologue, on how the "unthinkable" nature of war fosters blind spots of inhumanity, is admirable, but this is also where Gravediggers begins to go awry: the surrealism becomes literal, and ridiculous satire slips into pedantic theatrics.

"Don't be absurd!" one gravedigger screams to the other. "That's the only way I know how to be!" the other responds. The show's self-referencing is clever. If only it were true and consistent. Gravediggers' slippage from the abstract to the obvious is no more apparent than in the character of Rep, the capitalist war entrepreneur ably played by Benjamin Spradley.

Here, Rep, a tie-and-suit embodiment of war profiteering, bombastically preaches about his conquests, including a barely veiled allegory about two escaped chickens. Little room is left for the viewer to make his or her own connections to today's geopolitical climate. Gravediggers does not leave much work for the audience. Rather than staying in the realm of surrealist ridiculousness and undermining accepted beliefs, the show gets in its own way and points to its own immediacy. Without this, an otherwise brilliant production would stand on its own.

More baffling is the ensemble's self-branded actor-babble concept of "Physical Realism" outlined in the program. Employing contradictory clich

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On the Job

The Flea Theater is making people laugh. Its latest production, the New York premiere of Charlotte Meehan's Work, is not just funny

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Tabloid Rabbitry

Blank verse: it's not just for Shakespeare classes anymore. That, at any rate, is the statement made by Todd Carlstrom's wickedly inventive new comedy Bunnies: Part I, presented by breedingground productions at its Spring Fever Festival. With more than a wink toward that most famous of theatrical versifiers, Carlstrom has worked up a rollicking ramble of a play that is at once unashamedly archaic and deliciously contemporary. Oh, and one more thing: it also features simulated bunny sex. The plot of Bunnies runs like something snatched from the dubious headlines of the Weekly World News, yet it's all based on historical (but still dubious) events that supposedly took place in England in 1726. Mary Toft (Laura Esposito) is a pregnant peasant woman who suddenly starts giving birth to deceased rabbits. Her bizarre births are verified by a small-town midwife named John Howard (Richard Bubbico), who, while skeptical at first, soon spreads Mary's story to an ever-growing number of onlookers and learned experts. The scandal gets out of hand and eventually reaches the ears of the King, whose curiosity about the "Preternatural Bunny Births" (P.B.B.'s) leads to fresh complications for everyone concerned.

That ridiculous 18th-century tabloid scandal of a story is, however, only the tip of the carrot in this quirky and high-spirited production. Director Tomi Tsunoda and her cast have done a phenomenal job in taking the already wild script and cramming it full of all manner of oddball humor. The resulting performance resembles a Shakespearean blank verse comedy invaded by a downtown sketch-comedy troupe that's been watching too many Monty Python reruns.

There seems to be no end to Tsunoda's inventiveness in propelling Bunnies along from one laugh to the next. Even the birthing scenes, which might otherwise have tread dangerously close to reality, become truly bizarre, as Mary's rabbity offspring are represented by small, reddish balls that shoot like projectiles out from between her legs. Anachronisms of all kinds abound in Tsunoda's version of the 18th century and provide an atmosphere of creative irreverence to the show. Other highlights include a ranting expert on unnatural births (Rory Sheridan) who berates the audience about the use of the word "vagina"; an audience with King George (Jay Gaussoin), who speaks in an unintelligible faux-German dialect while wolfing down handfuls of Swedish Fish; and a no holds barred showdown between two "personified abstract concepts." You get the picture.

What makes these moments of comic madness really shine is that they seem to emerge naturally from the plot (or about as naturally as anything that involves humans giving birth to rabbits can be). Carlstrom has chosen to write in a form that could hardly be more archaic, but his play about a 300-year-old scandal comes off like a play about a piece of juicy 21st-century gossip. The language and verse flow smoothly for the most part (a tribute to writer and cast), and the self-conscious theatricality of writing in an outdated style turns out to be well suited to the theatricality of the tabloid-pages subject. Writing in verse could easily have doomed this play to boredom, but instead it makes it funnier.

There are certainly some hiccups in the course of Bunnies, but that may be expected with a new work. The play takes a while to get going, as the audience has to get used to the language and conceit of the whole thing, and it's not until about a third of the way in that everything's firing on all cylinders. The acting also shows some rough spots between laughs, and there are lapses in concentration until the next bit gets going. More important, there are several times when the madcap antics of the production mask the play's underlying ideas a little too much. It's a ton of fun, but there are several good ideas and clever digs at contemporary scandals that get lost in the shuffle. When all is said and done, there is more depth to Bunnies than is necessarily on display in Tsunoda's production.

That said, Bunnies is a hoot and definitely not to be missed if you're a fan of zany humor, classic English plays, or, better yet, both. Carlstrom's highly unusual ideas seemingly could not have fallen into better hands than Tsunoda's, as the production and script play well into each other's strengths. A few new-play jitters aside, this irreverent romp is proof enough that you don't have to be Shakespeare to write a blank verse comedy. Bring your carrots and give this one a try: you may just find a new appreciation for the delightfully wicked world of tabloid scandal, which seems to have changed very little in 300 years.

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Lives, Interrupted

In the summer of 2001, writer, actor and monologist Spalding Gray was driving home from his 60th birthday party when a minivan struck him in an accident so devastating it sent the car's engine flying into the passenger seat. Spalding's hip was broken, his right leg paralyzed, and a major nerve running from his back to his feet was ruptured, causing the toes on his right foot to drop down every time he lifted them to walk. After numerous days in the hospital it was discovered that his skull had been fractured, leading to the insertion of a metal plate that inexplicably shifted, causing his forehead to cave in. Several operations and dozens of prescription pills later, Gray returned to his career as a monologist. He would stand before an audience describing his life in blunt, honest detail with nothing but a black wall and dim lighting to illustrate his tales.

Actor and writer Michael Brandt expertly takes this same approach to storytelling in his beautifully poignant play A Spalding Gray Matter, currently playing at the Clemente Soto Velez Cultural and Education Center.

Brandt survived a painful, near-death experience when he was misdiagnosed with a cold the day after his 33rd birthday. He endured severe back pain for days before returning to the hospital demanding X-rays. To his surprise, the X-rays showed a frightening amount of fluid in his left lung. Brandt was sent to intensive care, where doctors explained that the fluid caused his kidneys and liver to fail.

As the monologue progresses, Brandt occasionally breaks from his narrative to spotlight the chilling similarities between his own misfortune and Gray's. Both men were celebrating with their families shortly before they were admitted into intensive care. Both suffered through unforeseen medical complications, both survived difficult operations, both were forced to live several months in pain, and neither man ever felt the same afterward.

This is where Brandt hopes the parallels will end, for Gray committed suicide on March 8, 2004.

The fact that this is Brandt's story told by Michael Brandt to a room full of people who increasingly fall in love with his sharp, self-deprecating sense of humor makes this production an overwhelmingly emotional experience. While you are reassured that he sits before you alive and well, he darkly reminds you that Gray's life seemed fine the day he bade his family goodbye and later jumped off the Staten Island ferry.

Still, Brandt's tales of harrowing medical procedures are so funny and relatable that you cannot help but laugh at him the way the world once did at Spalding Gray. After all, who has not struggled with that annoying doctor's question: "How would you rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10?" And how many patients cannot look at their surgeons without wondering, "What if he sneezes while he is holding the scalpel?" And who doesn't worry about waking up from a routine surgery with one leg missing while the nurses chirp, "Sorry. Judgment call."

Everyone is scared of hospitals, everyone hates the helplessness of being in one, and everyone can relate to a horror story about them. In this way, everyone can relate to Brandt. With expressive blue eyes and a captivating charisma, he is the kind of guy anyone would want to sit next to at a dinner table. His likability is the play's greatest strength because he makes the audience care about him to the point where they genuinely want him to overcome his demons.

At the same time, Brandt forces the audience to consider their own demons. He stresses that surviving a traumatic experience is the easy part. The hard part is living with the memory of it, something Gray was unable to do.

Brandt asks, How do you return to life as if nothing has happened? How do you listen to a song on the radio without thinking of all the songs you thought you would never hear again? How do you call a friend without thinking of all the conversations you two might never have had?

When you leave the theater, stunned speechless and unsure about whether to laugh or cry, you may not be able to answer these questions. But you should sense that Brandt will pull through because he is too powerful an actor, too likable a guy, and too wonderful a storyteller to end up like Spalding Gray.

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For the last dozen years, from the peak of Generation X to the lesser-known Generation Y (or whatever branding the pundits eventually decided on), there has been an ongoing discussion about the apathy of America's youth. Our society's elders have commented on young people's laziness, and it appears that young people have now embraced these low expectations and wear them as a badge of honor. How else could one explain Richard Lovejoy's play Tiny Dynamite, which seems to get off on its own obnoxious contempt for and dissociation from the world? At the start of the show, a young woman begins a monologue as she pulls props out of a large wooden box. She speaks in cheerful terms about her sad life, as if she's talking to an ex who is not in the room. One gets the feeling that she's leaving somewhere. The date on a calendar onstage says, "December 31st."

The calendar is flipped to January, and we are 12 months before that first scene. The woman (Liz) is moving in with her bland ex-lover (Jon), his bratty sister (Jen), and their lazy friend (Ben) in an undersized apartment in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Liz has a hard time adapting to their carefree, party-heavy lifestyle and begins to have feelings again for Jon. Jen and Ben interpret Liz's seriousness and desire to spend more time with Jon as selfishness. Their living situation begins to unravel, and Liz decides that she'll kill herself on Dec. 31.

The script, with its faithful re-creation of the stilted dialogue and dull situations of real life, does no favors for the cast. When Lovejoy strays from the everyday and tries to inject some drama into the proceedings, it comes across as ridiculously clich

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Domestic Miseries

Out of context, Machinal is an astonishing and unique portrayal of one woman's battle with the crippling forces of poverty and social expectations and an unwilling dependence on a loveless marriage. Yet even more remarkable is the story of this play's growing popularity and the emergence of its protagonist, a nondescript, middle-class young woman, as a universal figure. Written by Sophie Treadwell, a reporter, in 1928, Machinal was unlike anything American theatergoers had experienced before. Treadwell loosely based the story on the circumstances surrounding the trial and execution of Ruth Snyder, who was convicted, with her lover Judd Gray, of murdering her husband. Produced on Broadway in 1928, the play was immensely successful with its shocking subject matter, abstract and robotically lyrical language, and popular leading man, Clark Gable.

Yet the play was largely forgotten until the 1990's, when it had a number of revivals. It was produced at the Royal National Theatre in London in 1993, starring Fiona Shaw; Off-Broadway by Naked Angels in 1999; and in a number of Off-Off Broadway productions in 2001 and 2003, not to mention countless national and college productions. One reason it has enjoyed such popularity is that it has lost little of its original resonance. The story of the Young Woman, who is forced by fear of poverty and loneliness to marry and start a family with a man she doesn't love, is a familiar one. As she struggles with a different kind of loneliness, that of being married to a stranger, she finally explodes with sadness, anger, desperation, and self-destruction. She is a powerful character, perhaps as notable a down-and-out Every(wo)man as Willy Loman, and with her frequently lengthy monologues about terrifyingly mundane subject matter, she draws you into her head and leaves you struggling not to empathize with her.

At least, that is the play's potential. Mishandled, it becomes at first a cartoonish take on the burdens of industry and domestic life, and at last an absurdist spin on a Chicago-like trial drama. Unfortunately, albeit with some notable exceptions, the Dreamscape Theatre's new production is a little too much of the latter.

The play starts off with a bang. With director Morgan Anne Zipf's decisive, traditional interpretation, complete with Mara Canlas's period costumes and music and Carlton Ward's fluid, imaginative lighting design, the first "episodes" of the Young Woman's journey are engrossing. Yet as these episodes progress, and set pieces from each scene are piled in a corner of the stage, the production loses steam and begins to feel sloppy. It also loses its edge and self-awareness, and finally settles for a cringe-worthy misuse of the Law & Order theme before the dramatic trial scene at the end.

The play's backbone, undoubtedly, is the Young Woman, and Molly Pope does a formidable job with this difficult role. She makes sense of the character's long streams of nonsequential dialogue, and endows the Young Woman with a tragic combination of frailty and strength-imbuing frustration. But this strange world is constructed out of a dramatic irony. The audience is the only listener privy to the Young Woman's reflections on how her world is treating her. In the context of her existence onstage as an isolated character, it is understandable that she is alone and relates only to the audience. However, in the context of her life onstage, she must relate to the other characters; otherwise, her point about loneliness in even a social setting is flawed.

Pope, though compelling to watch, often seems as if she is onstage by herself. She vehemently decries her boss-turned-husband's "fat hands" and overbearing demeanor, yet in actuality her husband, played by Richard Lovejoy with childlike bounce and insecurity, doesn't seem nearly as intimidating as her many cringes and sidelong glances would imply.

Pope's engrossment with her own character, however, is not singular. Most of the ensemble members, though bringing a number of colorful characters to life, often lose sight of the play's tone. The most notable example is the shouting match of a trial scene that seems completely out of sync with the rest of the play. Zipf's staging might have been more successful had she reigned in the ensemble to create a more consistent world.

Machinal is a great play that presents a tremendous amount of challenges both in production and performance. Zipf and the Dreamscape Theatre, though not entirely successful in confronting these challenges, deserve credit for such an ambitious production.

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I Am Not a Camera

"So overdone, you know what I mean? The photographic image. As memory thread, 'window into the past'

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Tennessee Prose

Tennessee Williams is quite the popular playwright this season. Five by Tenn opened off Broadway in the fall, and The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire are currently enjoying runs on Broadway. Now at 59E59 Theaters, Linda Marlowe is starring in Mortal Ladies Possessed, a new work based on Williams's short stories. Perhaps the show's creators should have left those books on the shelf. The night begins with a door frame and a woman's personal effects strewn about a black box stage, and disembodied voices talking loudly and impatiently. Some character names and facts are thrown around, but it's tough to absorb this information out of context. Then Marlowe enters as the Widow Holly, patiently listening to the cacophony. There is silence, which the Widow Holly breaks with the sort of absurd personal statement that authors use to start their plays/books off with a laugh. (In this scenario, it does not have the desired effect.)

It turns out that she rents out rooms, and we see bits of the lives of the boarders at her New Orleans residence. Blackouts and the addition or subtraction of scarves and eyeglasses indicate changes of stories and characters. Since all of the tales are reminiscences, time is not linear, and in moments the characters jump from the near past to the faraway past to the present. But what makes perfect sense on the page, accompanied by character names and narrative directions, does not translate here to the stage.

Marlowe is a fine actress who speaks in a delightful girly rasp and commits fully to the physical and emotional presence of her characters. Her accent, though, does not play as effectively. The honey-coated drawl of Tennessee Williams's heroines is almost as iconic as the characters themselves, and certain expectations are inevitably formed. As Widow Holly, Marlowe spoke like an Australian who lived in New York for several years and then recently relocated to the South. There was no consistency, as if she was struggling to find the character's voice during her performance.

The only role in her repertoire here that needed no dialect coaching was Flora Goforth, the imperious owner of a Mediterranean villa. Marlowe was able to use an accent close to her own as she played up this deliciously vicious woman. This piece, in the middle of the set, was very funny, had an understandable story progression, and did not overstay its welcome. The same could not be said for its companion pieces.

A theatergoing audience appreciates it when the crafters of a show do not underestimate their intelligence, or their ability to interpret text and subtext. But when a production makes its audience work too hard to figure out who's who and what's what, oftentimes the audience stops trying. At the conclusion of Mortal Ladies Possessed, there was a hesitancy on the audience's part to clap, as they were not sure if they had, indeed, arrived at the end. All they, and this show, needed was a little more structure.

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Butch/Femme Reign Again

The packed audience at La MaMa bubbled with excitement on opening night for Split Britches' Dress Suits to Hire. New York's most renowned lesbians

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Much Ado, Indeed

Couplets, Mike Bencivenga's highly original new play about the rights and wrongs of love, proves that the Bard's sonnets are as malleable as his plays. Spinning a narrative thread out of the raw emotional material contained in several poems by Shakespeare, Bencivenga's text respects the wholeness of each sonnet's basic component

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True Believers

You can run, but you can't hide. Religion seems to be everywhere these days, infusing everything from mainstream films (Kingdom of Heaven) to the Broadway stage (Doubt) to our national government's rhetoric. Joshua Feldman's play How Light is Spent examines the effects of religion and belief on the lives of four seemingly disparate characters. This cleverly wrought character study is a virtual human crockpot. But instead of boiling these characters down to their essentials, Feldman adds too much to the mix, leaving us with a puzzling array of actions, motivations, and outcomes. The play begins and ends with Judith and her boyfriend, Peter, who lies in a hospital bed receiving treatment for cancer. Judith, a stubborn atheist, cannot understand his new affiliation as a born again Christian, so she decides to break up with him. She moves back home to live with her widowed father, Ezra, a rabbi.

Ezra has befriended Amanda, a young girl who wanders into his synagogue one day. A recovering religious fanatic to the extreme (she recites religious texts by heart and once nailed her hand to a board), Amanda is being treated for schizophrenia. She adopts Ezra as a father figure of sorts and discovers that a traumatic event in her past somewhat fatefully links her to Peter, Ezra, and Judith. As Amanda reveals her secret, their lives are changed and they must reposition themselves both in their ideas of faith and their relationships with one another.

What does it cost to believe? How do we define and create faith? Why do we move toward (or away from) religion and notions of faith? How Light is Spent, with its captivating title, asks us to examine how faith works and reworks the lives of its characters. Faith cannot exist in a vacuum, and here we find characters who influence, challenge, bolster, shake and deny each other's faith.

It is also a critique of the believer. Each character accepts or rejects faith for unique reasons, often for what it can bring him or her. As Peter puts it, "If I have cancer, I'll have my reward. If I believe in the cancer, I can believe in God."

Paul Gelinas's set works brilliantly in design but fails in execution. He has framed the stage with a three-sided box of wooden boards, which cover the floor, ceiling, and back wall of the stage. As the show progresses, the upstage planks individually move forward and backward to create different configurations. The design seems to suggest the changing landscape of the characters' beliefs and relationships, but unfortunately the scene changes take so long that they distract from the show's flow.

Alison Cherry's lighting shines beautifully and hauntingly through the cracks between the boards, and an uncredited sound designer provides underscoring throughout the play that creates a cohesive mood

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Musical Dostoyevsky

La MaMa e.t.c. is presenting the world premiere of Robert Montgomery's A Case of Murder, which is billed as "a singing detective story." A musical murder mystery inspired by Crime and Punishment, the play transplants Dostoyevsky's timeless story to modern-day New York City, to distracting effect. In the process, Montgomery also offers up little more than forgettable music, stock characters, and a story line that is more limp than literary. A Case of Murder follows the plot of the novel, a meaty book ripe for interpretation. After committing a horrific double murder, a young man lurks in limbo, dreading punishment yet yearning for redemption. This "musical" sidesteps any psychological complexities in favor of stereotypical TV-cop-show protocol. Told from the point of view of the distant, hardboiled (and sometimes drunk) Detective Porfiry (Brian McCormick), the show plays like a lost episode of the short-lived TV series Cop Rock.

Truth be told, this show is all over the map. Everything about it is abrupt. It begins abruptly with each of the eight characters taking to the stage and bursting into song with nary an introduction as to who they are. The murders, so integral they reverberate throughout the story, creating the impetus for everything that happens, are never seen by the audience. The victims are mentioned briefly and are nearly incidental. It's all tell and no show. One character abruptly moves to L.A. because that's what she's always wanted. Other characters abruptly fall in love

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Hello, Brooklyn

Holding up a "Brooklyn Rocks!" T-shirt, Deanna Pacelli, star of the one-woman show There Goes the Neighborhood, looks at it with embarrassment. "O.K., I bought this in 1996 when it was ironic," she says. "I can't wear it now. I'd look like an [expletive]."

Pacelli is speaking as Peter, a white, thirtysomething architect living in Carroll Gardens. A resident of the neighborhood for more than a decade, the affable Peter is one of the early invaders of what not long ago was a close-knit, working-class Italian neighborhood. He is also one of the 10 characters of varying ages, races, and sexual orientations whom Pacelli inhabits to recount the story of Carroll Gardens's rapid gentrification.

Written by Mari Brown and based on interviews with neighborhood residents that she and Pacelli conducted over a two-year period, There Goes the Neighborhood, playing at P.S. 122 through May 29, weaves together the perspectives of nine residents and one outside observer to create a complex and insightful portrait of the neighborhood. At the same time, it offers 10 dead-on portraits of these people who live and work there. Smart, wickedly funny, compassionate, and insightful, There Goes the Neighborhood is a brilliantly written, brilliantly performed piece.

Pacelli, who carries the entire hour of the play on the strength of her characterizations, switches effortlessly, almost breezily, between characters like Peter; Vinny, a lifetime resident of Carroll Gardens and third-generation owner of Cositini's Pork Shop ("Bringing You the Best Pork in Brooklyn for Over a Hundred Years!"); and Mike, a nightclub owner from Hong Kong with an enthusiasm for the nouveau in culture, music, and art.

For example, moments after making her confession about the "Brooklyn Rocks!" shirt as Peter, Pacelli has pulled a Brooklyn Cyclones baseball cap on her head and is standing with shoulders back and chest puffed out while she booms in Vinny's classic Brooklyn Italian-American dialect, "Hello? Hello? What is this? What is this, 'Brooklyn Rocks'? Who rocks? I'm Brooklyn, do I rock?"

Inhabiting all of her characters with equal poise, Pacelli delineates each one with a few well-chosen mannerisms (adjusting her bra straps, putting on Chapstick, pushing her glasses up her nose), a prop or two, and a handful of linguistic tics.

It helps, of course, that Brown's script gives her pitch-perfect lines to deliver. In an article published in The New York Times in 2003 (There Goes the Neighborhood was first performed in Carroll Gardens in 2003), Brown says that when she began waitressing in a local bar back in 2003, listening to her customers talk was like hearing lines of dialogue.

But even if she owes some of the natural richness of the script to a good ear for conversation, Brown has taken her raw material and arranged and polished it to perfection. The rough and smooth, the bad and good, the complaints and the paeans all fit together to make a deep and compelling portrait.

In fact, the "Brooklyn Rocks!" T-shirt is a fine metaphor for the show. Some of the characters hated it. Some loved it. A lot didn't understand all the fuss--Carroll Gardens, heart of Brooklyn, was their home, whether it rocked or not. There Goes the Neighborhood is a window into that world, and for the space of the play, it's easy to feel as if it's your home too.

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Ophelia and the Prince

When Berlin fell to the Allied forces in 1945, Heiner Muller's service in the German army ended. He returned to his home, then occupied by the Soviet Army. One war had ended. Another was beginning. Muller was 16 at the time. Mentored by Bertolt Brecht, Muller eventually established himself as Germany's premier playwright. The success of his translations of classic works as well as his controversial original plays allowed him to travel through Western Europe and even to America during the peak of the Cold War. His love of socialism, fear of capitalism, and hatred for dictatorships led him to write HAMLETmachine in 1986.

Brief though the text may be (12 pages or so, depending on the version), it is nonetheless epic. It has inspired productions that last days at a time. Directors tackling HAMLETmachine have employed the use of towering LCD screens, dozens of actors, and lavish sets in attempts to bring all of the nuances of Muller's dense script to life.

In the face of all the history and the high expectations accompanying HAMLETmachine, director Taibi Ann Magar has attempted something truly ambitious: she has cut away the pomp and pretension that surrounds the play, shifting the focus from the complex political mayhem to the emotional conflict between Hamlet and Ophelia.

The stage design is minimalist in the truest sense of the word. There are no sets, no backdrops, and no props, save for two chairs. Thus it becomes the actors' responsibility to create their own world and bring the audience in with them.

Jessica Pohly does just that as Ophelia. Not only does she deliver her difficult lines clearly but she also devotes herself wholly to the words and the subtext beneath them. This is most notably evident as she seemingly dies onstage during her monologue that begins "I am Ophelia. The one the river didn't keep." Critic Gordon Rogoff once wrote that the play might be better called OPHELIAmachine. Pohly does all that she can to support Rogoff's thesis, giving Off-Off Broadway a performance to remember.

Evan Lubeck looks the part of the brooding Danish prince, but finds himself overpowered by Pohly. That he occasionally struggles with his lines is forgivable in a piece such as this, but Lubeck's real flaw is a failure to grasp Hamlet's emotional landscape. His Hamlet is a perpetually angry one, with occasional but brief bouts of sadness and confusion (always evoked with the same furrowed brow).

To be sure, Lubeck is not at all a bad actor, nor is his performance intolerable. Though not physically imposing, he uses his tall stature effectively to command attention. His abilities are best used toward the end of the famous "Get thee to a nunnery" scene, as he allows Hamlet's self-disgust and contempt for his mother to come out in his attacks on Ophelia.

The success of good acting, as well as the fault of inconsistent acting, lies with the director. With her lead actor, Magar seems to have made the common mistake of interpreting Hamlet as indecisive; he is far from it. As a result, her Hamlet is unfocused and fails to reach his full potential.

Magar creates very beautiful and tense visual scenes using nothing but two actors, two chairs, and lighting design. Her actors' movements are carefully choreographed, and the mere twitch of a wrist or widening of eyes grabs the audience's attention. However, the actors shift back and forth between naturalistic behavior and Grotowski-esque calculation. They are ultimately limited by Magar's direction, often remaining stoic for aesthetic reasons when the text calls for actions more explosive.

But if Magar fails to understand certain sections of the text, she certainly does not fail to grasp the larger themes that the author expressed. Muller describes his purpose for writing as such:

"What I try to do in my writing is to strengthen the sense of conflicts, to strengthen confrontations and contradictions. There is no other way. I'm not interested in answers and solutions. I don't have any to offer. I'm interested in problems and conflicts."

HAMLETmachine is certainly no exception to this rule, and Magar sets Hamlet and Ophelia onstage to explore all of their conflicts without distraction. No solutions are presented, and none are necessary. The nature of the text is such that it could easily have been misinterpreted and misused (as it sometimes is) as a soapbox for narrow-minded, anti-consumerist propaganda. But Magar refuses to trivialize the world's complex problems by offering answers, making this interpretation of Muller's classic one worth watching.

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Reconceiving Strindberg

"I find 'the joy of life' in life's cruel and mighty conflicts," wrote August Strindberg in his preface to Miss Julie. Although published in 1888, the play was banned in many countries for its rejection of melodrama and its adoption of realism, and the frank discussion of sex and servitude broke class and gender-role taboos. In the play, the title character is the playful and manipulative mistress of the house, who corners one of her father's servants, Jean. What begins as simple flirtation soon unravels into a chaotic mess that explores the dynamics of their relationship to each other and to their families.

Lord Cromer, who banned the play from performance in England, wrote, "There is a sordid and disgusting atmosphere, which makes the immorality of the play glaring and crude." Of course, Miss Julie went on to become an essential part of the modern theatrical canon, the bridge between the mystical, romantic Symbolists of the late 19th century and the kitchen-sink realism that emerged at the beginning of the 20th.

With its production of Julie, the Theatre-Arts Connection has adapted the play for its art installation-cum-performance. The group has taken the realistic dialogue and abstracted it, using a surrealistic tone and design with a text freely adapted from the original. Spliced in are excerpts from works by Sophocles and Shakespeare, along with a tip of the hat to Charles Mee, the master of intertextual weaving. Alongside physical and vocal manifestations of the characters' subconscious drives, the play becomes overwrought, and what could have been an insightful and inventive production gets dragged down by its own overzealousness.

Despite the play's renown for displaying the beginnings of theatrical realism, Strindberg gives the audience numerous clues that the action takes place in a mystical void, outside of time and space. Its setting on Midsummer's Eve, an all-night festival celebrating the summer solstice, involves Dionysian abandon in dancing and drinking.

The master of the house is nowhere to be found, although reminders of his presence, in the form of his newly shined boots and the bell that summons the servants, constantly hang over the characters. The installation design by Liat Hazan and David I.L. Poole and lighting by James Bedell do a marvelous job of setting the tone. White scrims separate the audience and the actors as a dreamlike filter. The house is made of the same scrim, framed with a delicate wood. The scrims indicate the evanescence of the evening and the ease with which the house

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Trying It Out

The Theatre-Studio Inc. offers aspiring theater artists something incredibly unique in New York City: free space in Midtown. If a play is chosen as part of the TSI/PlayTime Series, it will receive at least two performances free of charge at 750 Eighth Avenue. What this means to the audience, however, is something less exhilarating. TSI provides one of the few spaces south of Manhattan's 110th Street where actors, playwrights, directors, and producers can experiment with their art without cramming a cast of 10 into a roach-infested living room or taking on three more bartending jobs to pay for a black box rental. TSI and producing and artistic director A.M. Raychel are to be commended for that.

In addition to its Main Stage productions, the company offers a PlayTime Series, a year-round offering of various one-act plays that change almost every weekend and are produced with minimal production values.

On May 11, the Series offered three short plays, A Blooming of Ivy by Garry Williams, Feeding Ducks by Lindsay Newitter, and Lost and Found by Denis J. Harrington. It was clear that each piece was just stumbling to its feet as a solid work of theater, but a few redeeming moments in each mollified the spectators.

A Blooming of Ivy was conceived by Indiana-based writer Garry Williams, with Michael Menger at the helm of the 20-minute staging. Letty Serra plays Ivy, a 60-year-old widow who is a strong farm worker and a strong woman, having raised two daughters since her husband's death 20 years ago. Her next-door neighbor, George Thomas, is a feisty widower, and both are struggling with grief and loss. The show explores the possibility of companionship after a long and forgotten absence of it, and offers an Off-Off-Broadway audience a story from outside of the city streets.

Although Serra is an Actors' Equity member who studied with the inimitable Stella Adler, her performance as the proud and lonely Ivy does not reach above mediocre. Yes, the piece is short, but neither actor sufficiently sinks his or her teeth into the part to make this simple and sweet play as full as it yearns to be.

Feeding Ducks is a 15-minute piece, far more esoteric than A Blooming of Ivy. Newitter is a New York-based playwright, and it shows. Her work is sharp and cynical with an absurd bent. The action centers around a duck pond, perhaps in Central Park, where New York characters

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A Comedy

Poor Madame Ranevskaya. She is in debt, and the dire state of her affairs leaves her with little option but to auction her estate and its splendid cherry orchard. When presented with alternatives by the wily yet earnest businessman Lopakhin, Ranevskaya is immobile: she simply cannot forsake what took generations to build. In her thinking, to do anything other than wait for a miracle is to comply with the seemingly inevitable change about to consume her family and bring about its demise. And this is a comedy?

Well, that is debatable. Are we really meant to care much about Ranevskaya? In The Cherry Orchard, Anton Chekhov gives us a number of clues as to what he thinks of her. She's wanton. She's gullible. She abandons her daughters to go off and squander their inheritance on her extravagant whims. She has no spine and cannot bear to say no even to the most unreasonable requests. She thinks primarily of herself and her nearly delusional woes.

David Epstein, whose direction I loved in ICTC's recent production of Arcadia, has chosen to direct a show that is a wart revealer of a play. It takes guts. His cast is talented and full of an earnest zeal to feel and express their heady emotions. They are costumed marvelously (with the exception of a few unfortunate handbags) by Michael Bevins and have a lovely and appropriate set on which to play, thanks to Ed McNamee.

But something is off. I have a suspicion as to what it is: Ranevskaya. As played by Cindy Keiter, Ranevskaya's ceaseless crying jags are given a gravitas they do not deserve. And from that core all the other characters seem to crash like sentimental dominoes into each other. There is such pregnancy of thought, such precious period delicacy loose onstage, that the production often feels as if there is something very serious afoot. But with such a hollow heart as Ranevskaya at its core, who can't help feel cheated by emotions that are at best misguided?

Chekhov added two little words to the title of his play. The full title is The Cherry Orchard, A Comedy. What he knew, but very few people have ever listened to, is that Ranevskaya is a silly, obnoxious woman. Chekhov wrote a play about social change, asserting that the maudlin sentimentality of the landed class is nothing more than the childish antics of spoiled brats incapable of sharing, unwilling to cast off their faulty sense of entitlement for a new world order. Epstein occasionally has his cast nearly there, but not quite.

It is difficult to tell actors not to feel or that what they're feeling is wrong and inappropriate. Every modern acting class points to the legitimacy of emotions as the truth behind acting. It is difficult to cut what you love. But look at what Chekhov said about the play's first production, in 1904: "How awful it is! An act that ought to take 12 minutes at most lasts 40 minutes. There is only one thing I can say: Stanislavsky has ruined my play for me." You might recognize the director's name. And yes, some of Chekhov's criticism could be aptly applied to ICTC's production.

His play could be timely, if only the production took a step to make it so. Do we sympathize with the Enron executives who lost the millions they unlawfully gained at the expense of their employees? Do we think it is reprehensible when Kathie Lee Gifford is ridiculed for using child laborers from Third World countries while her son Cody tromps around redefining "spoiled"? Do we all nod our heads in assent when President Bush tells us how much he sympathizes with the poor single moms of America? Of course not. This is the same point behind The Cherry Orchard.

That said, I love this company. They have a voice, they have style, and they love what they do. The pitch-perfect near miss of a proposal scene between Varya (Beth White) and Lopakhin (Gerry Lehane) is both delightful and painful. It alone is worth admission. White's Varya is well calibrated, dancing the difficult line between absurdity and genuine emotion with grace and ease. Varya is arguably the only character punished with a fate she does not deserve, and White does her justice, then swiftly moves on. Lehane's Lopakhin is a worthy and conflicted counterpart.

Indeed, ICTC is a company worth getting to know, even if this production lacks clarity of purpose.

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