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Rebecca Halpin

Telling Tall Tales

It is just minutes before Walking in Memphis: The Life of a Southern Jew is fixin' to start, and Jonathan Adam Ross, the show's creator, writer, and only performer, is out in the audience schmoozing with the crowd. If you didn't know him, you'd think he was just another spectator in his casual but fitted white T-shirt and jeans. In a transition as smooth as silk, Ross is standing before us introducing his show and thanking us for coming out on this cold, wintry New York evening. And then his story begins. At no time do you feel as if you are watching a performance or a stand-up routine. Instead, it as if you are gathered around a living room listening to stories about being Jewish in the South, much in the same way that Ross describes his family sitting around his dining room table sharing stories about his deceased mother.

Storytelling has been a longstanding tradition of both Southerners and Jews. One can imagine two elderly Georgians in rocking chairs on a stoop on a sweltering summer day, shooting the breeze about days gone by. Similarly, Judaism's history contains loads of unwritten tales passed down orally through the generations. Ross alludes to these traditions, particularly to the practice of telling stories several times over, enhancing and improving upon them each time. Indeed, both cultures are guilty of this sort of exaggeration for effect. It is what makes the stories themselves so endearing.

Ross portrays a host of characters, some Jewish, some not; some Southern, some not. Most notable are his father, known for his disregard for consonants; his non-Jewish neighbor Jim Griggs, who collected yarmulkes (prayer skullcaps) as a hobby; and his buddy E.Y., named so because his family uses letters for names, and by the time he was born, "all the good ones were taken."

But the standout character is Ross's brain-damaged sister, Julie. With precision and utmost respect and love, Ross portrays her silly antics (such as believing as a teenager that when her brother "got her nose," she might never get it back) as both humorous and deeply saddening.

You don't have to be Jewish or from the South to enjoy the show, but it helps. References to Waffle House, that ubiquitous, Southern late-night dining establishment Ross describes as "a dirty, redneck IHOP," got chortles from the Southerners in the audience, but flew over the heads of others. Similarly, the notion that "Adon Olam," the prayer that ends most Jewish services, is the Jewish "Hi Ho" (from Disney's Snow White) made waves in this mostly Jewish audience, but might have eluded those who weren't Jewish. Still, you don't have to be Jewish to find yourself cackling uncontrollably during Ross's hilarious renditions of Broadway musicals sung in Hebrew at the Jewish summer camp where he serves as drama director.

The camp is the same setting where Ross's narrative takes a more serious tone. His description of the impact he has made on a young jock-turned-performer, coming from the very proud father, is a poignant portrait of acceptance. Ross turns somber at other points as well, particularly in his stories about his mother's struggle with, and death from, breast cancer, which was added to the show several years into its run and just five weeks after her death.

Echoing the show's varying tones, Ross played portions from the titular Marc Cohn song on a piano in the corner. Following a burst of laughter at the end of a story, Ross's playing tended to be fast and energetic. Between more sorrowful bits, his playing was more melodic and graceful. (The aptness of this song, of course, lies in the lyrics: "And she said, 'Tell me, are you a Christian child?' / And I said, 'Ma'am, I am tonight,' " a reference to Cohn's being Jewish.)

In this delightful production, Ross places himself in the league of talented storytellers like Billy Crystal and Whoopi Goldberg. One audience member, who is familiar with most of Ross's stories, having heard them throughout their friendship, told me it seemed that he was "always acting," even during one-on-one story sharing, because of his theatrical nature. I suggested that perhaps it was the other way around, that Ross was not "acting" during conversations but instead was "having a conversation" while acting onstage.

In either case, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't enjoy hearing these stories. Director Chantal Pavageaux notes in the program, "It's a superhuman feat to recreate the past, enliven the dead, recall the tiniest nuances of someone's voice, their face, the idiosyncrasies that made them unique." Perhaps Ross is indeed Superman

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Nothing Random About It

Our pets have their ways of communicating to us: a dog's whimper at the dinner table implies "Feed me!" and a cat's purring is a sign of pleasure. But what if animals really could engage with us in dialogue, not with sounds but with language? The Boomerang Theatre Company's world premiere of Francis Kuzler's new play contemplates just that. Set in the science department of an unidentified Eastern university and the expanses of the Little Delta Ranch somewhere in Texas, Giant-n-Variation tells the story of the titular twin talking bulls, a self-proclaimed "psychoevolutionary biolinguist" divorc

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Much to Say About Nothing

There is something inherently selfish about doing a one-woman show. Of course, most people perform them because they have something rather important to say

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Down the Generations

We all know that blue eyes and baldness are determined by our genes, and that even some mental illnesses are passed on by our parents. However, is something as un-diagnosable as loneliness genetic, or is it simply a result of growing up among lonely people? ANDHOW!'s production of Andrew Irons's tragic play Little Suckers examines this idea and more through the story of a family torn apart by hurricanes, both physical and emotional. The tale starts off in the present, and travels occasionally back in time, through a series of flashbacks brought about by the "youngest" twin Lindsay's reading of her mother Morrie's memoirs.

She soon finds that while the document does much to capture her mother's deep lonesomeness, it has its flaws. It is, after all, her mother's point of view, sometimes told the way she would have liked for things to have gone rather than relaying facts. Another layer is added by the fact that it was transcribed by Morrie's late-in-life true love, Bucklin. His editing and writing style often distort truths to cover up for his sweetheart's past indiscretions.

The flashbacks tell the story of a family turned inside out. Lindsay and her "older" twin brother, Kennedy, are haunted by their parents' late-night fights, and so they use their wild imaginations to escape. Kennedy dreams of becoming a samurai warrior, and Lindsay spends most of the play having tea with her imaginary friends, using them as a sort of familiar audience for her tales.

It is clear that Kennedy is the self-starter of the two; even in her recollections, Lindsay takes a backseat to Kennedy's wild adventures. When her parents split, Lindsay is forced to take on the motherly role, while her mother resorts to childishness, using retorts like "Make me" and squealing like a teenager when she receives a letter from Bucklin.

Meanwhile, Kennedy takes off to search for his father, leaving Lindsay and Morrie alone to fend for themselves, only to return many years later expecting to be received with open arms and a big "I haven't seen you in 14 years" hug.

Although the stage space is laid out well and the acting is all around very good, it is sometimes difficult to tell when you are watching a flashback and when you are in real time. This is exacerbated by the fact that the characters wear the same costumes throughout, with Lindsay and Kennedy forever clad in children's clothing. And while the beautiful set is intriguing to look at and employs levels and retracting curtains to create various scenes, the characters move freely between the "worlds," which only adds to the confusion.

Perhaps, however, director Jessica Davis-Irons has done this intentionally, and the lesson here is that loneliness is not central to one generation; as it moves through the various sets, so, too, is it carried on from parents to children. Kennedy follows in his father's footsteps by running away, and Lindsay imitates her mother's suicide attempt. Their mistakes are destined to be continually repeated.

All of the actors are notably adept at transforming Iron's terse iceberg of a script into a living, breathing piece of theater. As it is written, very little is said, but there is so much behind every word. Not a breath can be wasted when one's entire life must be laid out within an hour. Therefore, the actors are forced to tell the story through subtext.

Most successful at this is ANDHOW! newcomer but Off-Off-Broadway veteran Ryan Bronz as Kennedy. His physicality in the flashback scenes is adorable, making his character quite lovable. Everything from the exhilaration in his voice to his explorative movement invokes his character's adventurous nature. Margie Stokley (standing on only two legs in this production

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Late-Night Channel Surfing

Can three misplaced Ohio girls handle the pressures of being part of "the young and the horny"? Will Jerome's brother be able to accept two revelations in one night? And can Arnold Schecter keep Sally in Passaic, N.J., when a Martian prince comes calling? Find out tonight in a late-night-TV channel-surfing pleasure appropriately titled Incredible Sex, a trio of one-act comedies from the Foolish Theatre Company. Channel 1: HBO. Kim, Marge, and Charlene catch up on the previous night's gossip during their sexy vacation to Key West. It's Sex and the City in a steamier setting with a younger group of girlfriends and no towering skyline. The cast of Women in Heat includes a no-holds-barred "Samantha" (Charlene), a very private "Charlotte" (Marge), and the ever-conflicted "Carrie" (a post-coital Kim).

The similarities to Sex and the City are abundant: Charlene's belief that God gave us sex because "you can only tan in daylight, so here's something to do at night"; recaps of raucous romps; and overuse of words like "pussy," "threesome," and "anatomically correct blow-up doll." However, I can't remember the last time the Manhattan-dwelling foursome let the words "Bible camp" slip into their conversations. I guess that's what makes these Ohio girls so darn apologetic about their sexuality. These girls would rather cuddle after sex than get ready for Round Two. Accordingly, an anticlimactic ending leaves the viewer changing the channel rather than staying tuned for scenes from the next episode.

Channel 2: Gay and Lesbian TV Network. The paraplegic Jerome has his brother, Mark, over for a meal to reveal to him that 1) he can cook

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In Limbo

Your body is lying on a lumpy mattress in a hospital bed hooked up to loud beeping machines via various tubes. A pump breathes artificial air into your dormant lungs. Family members stand at your bedside berating themselves for not saying "I love you" enough, or fighting over your inheritance while they stare at your limp figure. Your body is in that bed, but your soul is not. You are not dead; you are not alive. You are "between worlds." Such is the fate of the characters in the Chekhov Theatre Ensemble's ethereal and intuitive production of Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt's tragic Between Worlds. A nearly bare set is enclosed by two walls joined to form a corner. One wall contains an exit labeled A for "accidental," and the other has a similar exit leading to Corridor D for "deliberate."

In the center is an elevator, through which enters a young man, Colin (Patrick Jones), unaware that he has just crashed into a tree at 100 miles an hour. He is greeted by two hooded assistants who don't speak but are able to tell him that he is to take up temporary residency in the "hotel." And this is just the beginning of a day or so at a place that houses people between life and death.

The Two Worlds Hotel is presided over by the elegant but icy Dr. S., played coldly but with just the right amount of tenderness by Jennifer Shirley. Other guests include the saucy cleaning lady, Jesse, portrayed in full raunchy glory by Andrea Seigel; a not-so-clairvoyant Magus played not so subtly by T. Scott Lilly; and an uptight Chairman of "the Board," portrayed by Max Evjen.

Prior to the second act, the hotel is visited by a regular guest, the innocent Laura, played by an illuminating Sara Barker. Laura has been wheelchair-bound for years and uses her trips to the hotel as a chance to escape the paralysis that has troubled her on earth. As Colin begins to understand the nature of the hotel while falling heavily for Laura, the other tenants anxiously await their fates, which will be determined by the elevator that has brought them there. When it is their time, they will be called to the elevator. If they are to survive, the elevator will bring them down to earth. If they are to die, the elevator will travel up. In the meantime, they must wait and contemplate the lives they have led.

Between Worlds tackles quite a few heavy subjects, namely death, the afterlife, destiny, depression, knowledge, sanity, and second chances. Since the play never gives any concrete answers to these questions, the audience is forced to draw their own conclusions, even regarding the outcome of Colin, who closes the play as he steps into the elevator and awaits his fate.

The play is ripe with witty and sometimes poignant one-liners, such as Colin's remark to Dr. S., "I never thought death would have such good legs," and Dr. S.'s scornful, "Using alcohol. The method [of suicide] used by cowards." The dialogue has a very natural, Mamet-esque feel to it, but the play itself is more in line with European playwrights like Heiner Muller, who use fantastical ideas and strange theatrical conventions, such as the mute assistants and the ambiguously gendered Dr. S. Director Ragnar Freidank's German background surely contributes to the avant-garde feel.

The acting is consistent and realistic across the board. The best dialogue takes place in the rushed exchange between Laura and Colin just before he is to be cornered into the elevator. He feverishly asks her simple, seemingly mundane questions about herself so that he may remember her when he is gone, and she replies just as excitedly, causing his exit to be indefinitely postponed. In fact, each time a guest enters the elevator and the doors close, there is a moment when we hold our breath to wait for the result, which is not always what we expect.

Overall, Between Worlds has a sort of unfinished feel to it, as if a small something has been lost in the translation. The play confronts death with such brazenness that you can only wish that you'll never end up a guest at the Two Worlds Hotel. Even so, the polished acting and intriguing subject matter turn the two hours into a visit worth making.

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Fun and Games

"O.K., on the count of three, everyone shout out the number of New York improv shows you've been to. Good, O.K., now on the count of three, everyone shout out the number of improv shows you've been to that you actually enjoyed." If anyone in the audience has attended Gotham City's Off the Top of Our Heads, there could be a bigger response to that latter question than you might expect. Among the plethora of improv groups in New York City, Gotham's stands out above the rest for one reason: it doesn't try to reinvent the wheel.

Based not too loosely on Comedy Central's famed Whose Line Is it Anyway?," Off the Top of Our Heads uses traditional improv games and audience responses (as outlandish as they may be) to create an hour of comedy that hits the spot more often than it falls flat. On the minuscule stage that couldn't even pass for a Manhattan studio apartment, Clare, Michael, Angela, and Evie entertained with their quick wit and good attitude. They kept it all surprisingly clean: an audience suggestion of a situation

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Live From New York, It's Saturday Night (Completely) Rewritten!

If imitation is indeed the sincerest form of flattery, then the sketch comics of Saturday Night Rewritten must hold the writers and performers of NBC

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Rock and Parole

Just when you thought The Fringe was over and we could get back to more conventional musicals, here comes Wrong Way Up, a

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