Our Daily Bread — Off Off Online

Our Daily Bread

Man cannot live by bread alone. He also needs puppets. If there is any doubt about that fact, the inimitable Bread and Puppet Theater dispels it with its current two-part offering, The National Circus and Passion of the Correct Moment. Lured in like kids to a candy store, the audience is delighted with The National Circus's opening scene with a white-bearded man on huge stilts. That is Bread and Puppet founder Peter Schumann, outfitted as Uncle Sam. He ambles in to "When the Saints Go Marching In," played with much verve by a little bouncing band. This isn't a nationalist pep rally, however.

As the weight of patchouli hangs in the air, a rumpled group of mostly college-age students enters the bare-bones stage at Theater for the New City. Their liberal earnestness is palpable

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