Match Point — Off Off Online

Match Point

Watch your back, Sweeney Todd. The band GrooveLily has come to town, proving that you don't need to do a big-budget Broadway show to tell a captivating story and showcase the formidable gifts of multitalented performers. Tucked into the cozy venue Ars Nova, GrooveLily strikes gold with its inspired "rewired version" of Hans Christian Andersen's story "The Little Match Girl." Funky and fresh, playful and serene, Striking 12 is a very welcome gift to New York this holiday season. Simultaneously acting, singing, and accompanying themselves on instruments, the performers in this season's Broadway revival of Sweeney Todd have been celebrated for both their dexterity and their innovation. The instruments become more than mere appendages, as the actors use them as storytelling tools, creating a performance that connects the music with the performer in exciting new ways.

The members of GrooveLily

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