This One's a Killer — Off Off Online

This One's a Killer

"Laugh-out-loud funny" is a term used far more often than it is applicable, but it proves quite fitting in the case of Pulling Teeth, the macabre new play currently being mounted by WorkingMan's Clothes Productions at the American Place Theatre. Audiences will find themselves chortling quite audibly over and over again during this dark comedy, seemingly at the most offensive of moments. But that's precisely what Brandon Koebernick, a promising novice playwright, wants his audiences to do. His subversive combination of romance, black humor, and suspense is not unlike one of those meals served at fast food restaurants: instantly and thoroughly satisfying, but perhaps a little heavier than expected, with an extra kick that stays awhile.

Koebernick has indeed found a perfect patron in WorkingMan's Clothes, a production company geared toward encouraging new talent and presenting a host of different voices and styles. But his anonymity should not last much longer. Teeth positions him perfectly to join playwrights like Craig Lucas and David Lindsay-Abaire

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