F. Scott's First Love — Off Off Online

F. Scott's First Love

"Hip hip tiger tiger tiger!" cheers the Princeton fraternity in The Pursuit of Persephone, a musical inspired by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Prospect Theater's production is an admirable composite of the writer's life and work. It cleverly combines Fitzgerald's youthful antics and a crucial failed romance with thinly veiled autobiographical selections from his fiction, making for a charming night of theater. Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and This Side of Paradise are indisputable classics in the American literary canon, and his work helped shape our conceptions of the "lost generation" of the Roaring '20's. The premise of Persephone is that Fitzgerald's fiction all springs from the pain and loss of his first love, Ginevra King.

The show is effectively framed as a memory. After many years, Older Scott (Daniel Yates) is about to reunite with his college flame, Ginevra (Jessica Grov

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